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KL3454 和 KL3458 模拟量输入端子模块可处理 4 - 20 mA 范围内的信号。电流被数字化后的分辨率为 12 位,并在电隔离的状态下被传送到上一级自动化设备。在 KL3454 总线端子模块中,有 4 个输入端为 2 线制型,并有一个公共的接地电位端。


早在8年前,我们就在倍福公司控制和驱动技术*的模块化设计基础上开始了与倍福的合作。倍福一直让我们都很满意,因此我们继续全心全意地保持着这一合作关系。”Thomas Völkl总结道。“既然我们自己是家高度创新的公司,我们需要像倍福这样以创新为导向的合作伙伴,我们的配合非常默契。由于今天的设备开发侧重于灵活性,我希望看到尽可能多的预制模板和软件模块。这让我们,作为设备制造商,能够专注于我们擅长的事情。”


KL3403Bus Terminal3-phase power measurement terminal, max. 500 V AC 3~, max. 1 A,
via measuring transformers x A/1A
KS3403Bus Terminal3-phase power measurement terminal, max. 500 V AC 3~, max. 1 A,
via measuring transformers x A/1A
KL3403-0010Bus Terminal3-phase power measurement terminal, max. 500 V AC 3~, max. 5 A,
via measuring transformers x A/5A
KS3403-0010Bus Terminal3-phase power measurement terminal, max. 500 V AC 3~, max. 5 A,
via measuring transformers x A/5A
KL3403-0333Bus Terminal3-phase power measurement terminal, max. 500 V AC 3~, for plug-on current
transformers with 333 mV AC
KL3404Bus Terminal4-channel analog input terminal -10 V…+10 V, 12 bit, 4 x 2-wire system
KS3404Bus Terminal4-channel analog input terminal -10 V…+10 V, 12 bit, 4 x 2-wire system
KL3408Bus Terminal8-channel analog input terminal -10 V…+10 V, 12 bit, 1-wire system
KS3408Bus Terminal8-channel analog input terminal -10 V…+10 V, 12 bit, 1-wire system
KL3444Bus Terminal4-channel analog input terminal 0…20 mA, 12 bit, 4 x 2-wire system
KS3444Bus Terminal4-channel analog input terminal 0…20 mA, 12 bit, 4 x 2-wire system
KL3448Bus Terminal8-channel analog input terminal 0…20 mA, 12 bit, 1-wire system
KS3448Bus Terminal8-channel analog input terminal 0…20 mA, 12 bit, 1-wire system
KL3454Bus Terminal4-channel analog input terminal 4…20 mA, 12 bit, 4 x 2-wire system
KS3454Bus Terminal4-channel analog input terminal 4…20 mA, 12 bit, 4 x 2-wire system
KL3458Bus Terminal8-channel analog input terminal 4…20 mA, 12 bit, 1-wire system
KS3458Bus Terminal8-channel analog input terminal 4…20 mA, 12 bit, 1-wire system
KL3464Bus Terminal4-channel analog input terminal 0…10 V, 12 bit, 4 x 2-wire system

Völkl补充道:“经过这么长时间的合作后,TVI与M*C Sepp HaggenmüllerSE & CO.KG之间的合作更加紧密了,提供能够处理整个工艺过程的完整生产线,从肉类供应到成品摆放和装入托盘。作为这一关系的一部分,TVI 将利用 M*C 强大的销售和服务网络进军新的市场。由于这两家公司多年前都决定使用倍福的控制技术,因此我们可以共享各自的硬件和软件专业知识。在我们的*个合作项目中共使用了四台带有四根轴的龙门式机器人,每台机器人每小时放置约1600公斤的猪排到热成型托盘中。原先为三自由度Delta机器人运动开发的硬件和软件适用于龙门式机器人的X/Y/Z/C可以运动的轴。由于共享的硬件和软件基础使得过程变得相对容易,从而缩短了项目开发时间。因此,M*C和TVI能够更加有效地关注客户未来需求。,我们的合作非常成功。”

KL3403Bus Terminal3-phase power measurement terminal, max. 500 V AC 3~, max. 1 A,
via measuring transformers x A/1A
KS3403Bus Terminal3-phase power measurement terminal, max. 500 V AC 3~, max. 1 A,
via measuring transformers x A/1A
KL3403-0010Bus Terminal3-phase power measurement terminal, max. 500 V AC 3~, max. 5 A,
via measuring transformers x A/5A
KS3403-0010Bus Terminal3-phase power measurement terminal, max. 500 V AC 3~, max. 5 A,
via measuring transformers x A/5A
KL3403-0333Bus Terminal3-phase power measurement terminal, max. 500 V AC 3~, for plug-on current
transformers with 333 mV AC
KL3404Bus Terminal4-channel analog input terminal -10 V…+10 V, 12 bit, 4 x 2-wire system
KS3404Bus Terminal4-channel analog input terminal -10 V…+10 V, 12 bit, 4 x 2-wire system
KL3408Bus Terminal8-channel analog input terminal -10 V…+10 V, 12 bit, 1-wire system
KS3408Bus Terminal8-channel analog input terminal -10 V…+10 V, 12 bit, 1-wire system
KL3444Bus Terminal4-channel analog input terminal 0…20 mA, 12 bit, 4 x 2-wire system
KS3444Bus Terminal4-channel analog input terminal 0…20 mA, 12 bit, 4 x 2-wire system
KL3448Bus Terminal8-channel analog input terminal 0…20 mA, 12 bit, 1-wire system
KS3448Bus Terminal8-channel analog input terminal 0…20 mA, 12 bit, 1-wire system
KL3454Bus Terminal4-channel analog input terminal 4…20 mA, 12 bit, 4 x 2-wire system
KS3454Bus Terminal4-channel analog input terminal 4…20 mA, 12 bit, 4 x 2-wire system
KL3458Bus Terminal8-channel analog input terminal 4…20 mA, 12 bit, 1-wire system
KS3458Bus Terminal8-channel analog input terminal 4…20 mA, 12 bit, 1-wire system
KL3464Bus Terminal4-channel analog input terminal 0…10 V, 12 bit, 4 x 2-wire system

TVI想要与倍福一起面对的另一个挑战是安全技术的集成。为了满足安全要求,TVI未来将在所有机器上实施 TwinSAFE。ThomasVölkl:“我们与倍福的合作也将更加紧密,在我们的新开发中充分利用诸如TwinCAT 3、OCT及多点触控面板等创新自动化技术。”


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